Our history
Established for over 18 years by Human Resources and Finance executives, DBS has two business units: processing of payroll and other HR subsystems and consulting/auditing of HR processes.
DBS combines a body of highly specialized professionals in managing operational processes and project development, with the most modern tools of information technology.
DBS is a company focused on creating and implementing complete solutions in human resources and financial outsourcing, following the "One Stop Shopping“ concept.
Global partners

HR Solutions
Payroll - What employers need to know
Administration of Benefits
Time Keeping
HR Portal - "Kiosk"
Position and Wages Management
Performance Management
Training and Development
HR Budget & Forecast
Recruiting and Hiring
Occupational Health and Safety
Financial Solutions
Payment of Employees, Payroll Taxes and Benefits
Rua Pais Leme, 215, 27º andar, São Paulo, SP 05424-150, Brazil
dbs@dbspartner.com.br | Phone: + 5511 3159 0888
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