What's eSocial?

eSocial is a Federal Government project that unifies the sending of information by the employer, storing them in the eSocial National Environment, allowing participating organs of the project to use effectively for labor, social security, taxes and Payroll tax purposes.
Entities participating in eSocial
SRF - Secretaria da Receita Federal (Treasury Office)
MPAS - Ministério da Previdência Social (Social Security Ministry)
INSS – Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (Social Security Institute)
MTE – Ministério do Trabalho (Labor Ministry)
CEF – Caixa Econômica Federal (Federal Bank)
FGTS Steering Committee
TST – Tribunal Superior do Trabalho (Superior Labor Court)
TRT – Tribunal Regional do Trabalho (Regional Labor Court)
eSocial Goals
Management Goals
Create a single data base
Enable the guarantee of social security and labor rights to workers
Simplify and standardize the compliance with the Accessory Obligations
Improve the quality of information available in the public service
Include more companies and workers in the formal economy
Financial Goals
Greater efficiency in inspections
Increase in spontaneous collection
Reduction of fraud in the granting of government benefits
Reduction of Payroll tax defaults
Impact on Organizations & Deadline
eSocial is composed of 44 files and more than 2,500 fields (layout final version 2.3 of July'2017), many of which are not part of the databases of the current systems. By January 2018, all companies should already be operating in this new environment.
HR Solutions
Payroll - What employers need to know
Administration of Benefits
Time Keeping
HR Portal - "Kiosk"
Position and Wages Management
Performance Management
Training and Development
HR Budget & Forecast
Recruiting and Hiring
Occupational Health and Safety
Financial Solutions
Payment of Employees, Payroll Taxes and Benefits
Rua Pais Leme, 215, 27º andar, São Paulo, SP 05424-150, Brazil
dbs@dbspartner.com.br | Phone: + 5511 3159 1497 / 95244 4787